Alien Cult Throne
28-32 mm Maßstab für Sammler, Maler und Spieler, z.B. für Warhammer 40.000 (Genestealer Cult), Kill Team, Stargrave, Rogue Stars, oder sonstige Sciene Fiction Tabletops und Rollenspiele.Please note that the models are supplied WITHOUT bases. The pictures show a digital render. The 3D files are from Ghamak. These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Altar der Erde
Altar der Erde im 28-32 mm Maßstab für Sammler, Maler und Spieler, z.B. für Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Frostgrave, oder sonstige Fantasy Tabletops und Rollenspiele. The pictures show a printed product, often in conjunction with additional digital render images. The prints are usually without final cleanup, but as delievered. The final colour of the material may differ. custom.theme.valtan These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Bergir, Jarl on chair
Scale as chosen. For Fantasy skirmish wargames like e.g. Mordheim, Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep, Forbidden Psalm, Relicblade, or Five Leagues from the Borderland. Also for RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or Mörk Borg. Please note that the models are supplied WITHOUT bases. The pictures show a digital render. The 3D files are from Francesca Musumeci. These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
From €7.00*
2x Bettzeug im 28-32 mm Maßstab für Sammler, Maler und Spieler, z.B. für Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Frostgrave, oder sonstige Fantasy Tabletops und Rollenspiele.The pictures show a printed product, often in conjunction with additional digital render images. The prints are usually without final cleanup, but as delievered. The final colour of the material may differ. custom.theme.valtan These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Chaos Throne
28-32 mm Maßstab für Sammler, Maler und Spieler, z.B. für Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warcry, Dungeons & Dragons, Frostgrave, oder sonstige Fantasy Tabletops und Rollenspiele.Please note that the models are supplied WITHOUT bases. The pictures show a digital render. The 3D files are from Ghamak. These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Cthulhu Statue
Cthulhu Statue mit ca. 137 mm Höhe, Sockel ca. 56 x 56 mmDie Statue ist innen hohl, auf der Unterseite befinden sich Ablauflöcher für das Resin.Please note that the models are supplied WITHOUT bases. The pictures show a digital render.Die 3D Vorlagen stammen von Tezca und Kubold und sind zu finden unter: Version von Bleachhawk, Druck von Tabletop-Stuff.If you got a 3D printer yourself, you can print this object yourself. If needed by the licence, the creators of these files are informed about this listing and have given their permission to sell these prints. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Scale as chosen. For Pulp skirmish wargames, RPGs or board games like e.g. Mythos, Pulp!, Call of Cthulhu, 7TV, Pulp Alley, Arkham Horror, Cthulhu: Death May Die, or Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu. Please note that the models are supplied WITHOUT bases. The 3D files are from Adaevy Creations. These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence.Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Necronomicon Altar
Scale as chosen. For Pulp skirmish wargames, RPGs or board games like e.g. Mythos, Pulp!, Call of Cthulhu, 7TV, Pulp Alley, Arkham Horror, Cthulhu: Death May Die, or Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu. Please note that the models are supplied WITHOUT bases. The 3D files are from Adaevy Creations. These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence.Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.
Solaryn Dragoons Objective Pack (5 models)
28 mm Maßstab für Sammler, Maler und Spieler, z.B. für Warhammer 40,000, Kill Team, Stargrave, Five Parsecs from Home, oder ähnliche Science Fiction Tabletop Spiele.1x crashed aircraft. 1x wounded intelligence officer. 1x nuclear material. 1x fuel cells. 1x unholy obelisk (w/ optional fire). Jeweils auf 40mm Base.Please note that the base is an integral part of the model and not a separate piece. The pictures show a digital render.The 3D file are from Quartermaster3D. These 3D files are produced and sold under a commercial licence. Most of the miniatures are printed after you order them. The long processing time allows me to sensibly plan my working and printing time. Whenever possible, I try to cut the processing time short. The models are delivered unpainted and unassambled. This is a 3D printed product made of UV hardened resin. Models are cleaned and completely cured with UV light. Before printing, a support structure needs to be added to the models, these are normally removed after printing, but leave "scars" on the model. These are production-related and do not represent a defect in the product. Remains of the support structure might still be on the model and can be removed with a sharp hobby knife. Resin dust is a health hazard if inhaled into the lungs. Sanding and filing is not recommended. Otherwise, such work should only be carried out with appropriate protective equipment (fine dust mask) and/or wet sandpaper. It's possible that the models are hollow. In this case, the model has drainage holes through which the liquid resin could leak out. The inside of the model was then also cured. Drainage holes can be closed with modelling putty. Resin is heat-sensitive and can therefore deform during the printing process, the removal of the support structures, post-process curing, or shipping. Hot water or a heat gun/hair dryer can quickly remedy this. The affected part is heated and then carefully bent into the correct position. Important noticeWarning! Not for children under the age of 3. Choking hazard due to small parts.This product is not a toy.